Your post is resonant with last nights meditation. >>>

Perhaps the most generic question of all:

Why do humans cause one another to suffer?

The question is both private and Universal…

- Paul Vonharnish -


Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you very much Kerry Jane for not just the mention but the lovely review. You mentioned your only gripe about the book which is that you'd want to know more about each life - you've made me realise which I didn't before that I feel exactly the same. I think for some bizarre reason Murry got it into her head to write a short children's type book, when she should've written a longer adult-oriented book, given the serious theme - which you identified, namely why is it that humans are so awful to each other. They live on such a beautiful planet, after all. This is one of the loveliest things, by the way, that I felt from your first life in Metanoia. I felt it with my heart.

And what you say about being so utterly confused about why humans behave the way they do when it just seems so obvious that they shouldn't - I've come to realise this is the question that's plagued me my whole life. For me - and for you too, I think - the best way for people to live is so obvious that it just creates an unsolvable cognitive dissonance to suddenly realise that humans can't seem to do it. I've tried to comprehend this question for so long.

And when we think of 'the old country' - for me, this also makes me think of the several hundred thousand years in which humans didn't actually do all these nasty things, but lived in their little villages/communities of maybe 150 people and they all looked after each other. But then 'something' happened to change all that, and this 'today' is the nadir. And it truly is horrific. Especially for an old soul.

I think you would like Murry's other books - she does go deeper into this kind of thinking. She did a fair amount of 'channelling' work with Paschats, in which one thing that emerged was the idea that this planet suffered a 'cosmic virus'. This idea kind of makes sense, given how nonsensical it is that people would behave so awfully.

She wrote two other books specifically about Paschats ('channelled' mainly), called 'The Lion People', and 'The Paschats and the Crystal People' (same publisher). The first one also contains a meditation technique for exploring other realms.

I think I will definitely have to do a new section on my site. I need to be more spiritual, for sure.

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Yes you have so much to say here, you should also be sharing insights on your publication on these topics.

And you are very welcome, it's the least I can do for your contributions. I think that it is a good idea to write a children's book through the lens that she has/had. So many children come into the world this way and forget everything. I think I would have simply expanded it and went into greater detail as a real chapter book since the subject matter is heavy. She could have gone into exactly what lessons were learned and illustrated how it was integrated with Tyo, amongst other things. Nine-year-old Kerry was both literate enough and mature enough to handle it so I'm sure there are many other kids out there who are the same.

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I think I have definitely decided to add that new section to my site, part of which will be delving into this kind of thing.

I understand what you mean about expanding on the subject matter and in particular that children are far more intelligent and capable of understanding these things than most grown-ups accept. It is, actually, one thing that's always made me really, really angry, the way children are patronised and treated as if they are 'too young to understand' - when children often seem to understand more than adults do. And they are certainly more in touch with the knowledge of right and wrong, and what is and isn't fair, and justice.

Likewise, the younger we are, the closer we are to those other lives we had, and a better civilisation would recognise that and help children to hold on to that and keep it all the way into adulthood. Such a world, the Old Country, would be a better place.

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