I know the feeling of being scared to share writing, especially on Substack. My project for NaNo this year is something that I'll be scared to share parts of, it's toned down in controversy a bit from prior forms, but only to prevent distraction.

Having type 1 diabetes makes me feel the bit about disease as a money maker. Companies do what they can to purposefully keep up the price of insulin, the thing I need to live. And I believe that if the medical bureaucracy was actively trying to kill me through denial of supplies but still wanted to look competent, it would be easier for me to get supplies than it is now with all the incompetents who seem unaware that these supplies are fundamental for life. To me, the incompetence of many medical institutions has no meaningful distinction from malice.

Side note, a James Bond movie had the plot point of a bioweapon that could target specific demographics. Even with my limited knowledge of James Bond, I don't think any other scene can match the unintentional comedy of the spy leader sitting down seriously and sadly going 'project bioweapon that murders people based on genetics was only supposed to kill bad people, how could other people use it to kill other people.'

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Good luck on your intrepid journey into Nanowrimo. Some of my favorite quotes about writing talk about it's responsibility in revealing to us what needs to be examined, and altered. I consider it a form of activism, but that doesn't sell these days, and I think it's hurting us. Mostly we want an escape, to be numb, to be affirmed with how we already feel and with what we already know.

I'm sorry that you've had to contend with that. That's a brutal situation to be in. Unfortunately it is also believable that something like insulin has become a commodity, when things like housing, water and food, stuff every human being needs, has been commodified and designed to turn a profit. No one should have to have a job, or a lot of money, to be granted permission to obtain a chemical that is needed to stay alive. This is the next hurdle we have to get over. I wonder if we'll make it, when most people still believe that there isn't enough resources for everyone (ignoring the fact that there is simply a grossly unequal distribution of resources and a ruling class hellbent on keeping it that way) and think that the more their neighbor has, the less they get. This is a disease. I hope we make it.

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Also I love the James Bond reference, I had no idea about that.

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